Oregon is again one of the top states that people are moving to. New statistics found in the United Van Lines’ 41st Annual National Movers Study shows that Oregon is the top Western state with 65% of all moves coming into the state, rather than exiting to another location and it doesn’t appear to be an end to our popularity in the near future. In fact, Oregon was ranked second nationally out of all states receiving an influx, second only to Vermont.
Why Are People Moving To Oregon?
The United study reveals some key information on why people are moving to Oregon in such substantial fashion. In fact, there a few distinct reasons that a significant majority of moves in Oregon are people moving into the state, as opposed to moving out. We will outline some of the reasons that people are moving to Oregon, as well as who is moving here.
Top Reasons People Are Moving To Oregon:
Jobs and family top the reasons that people are moving to Oregon. New hires and job transfers are driving nearly half of the people moving into our state. The second largest factor for moves to Oregon is being closer to relatives. Here is the complete list of Oregon mover reasons.
48.86% a new job or company transfer
24.10% proximity to family
18.24% lifestyle
15.96% retirement
6.84% health reasons
The Types Of People Moving To Oregon:
Being the second ranked state in the country for movers will definitely beg some questions. We wanted to know who was moving to Oregon, not just why. The United study doesn’t give a lot of details beyond age ranges and income levels, but the data was a bit surprising to us.
Nearly half of those moving to Oregon were 55 and older. For a state well-known for Portlandia, hipsters and the like, this surprised up a bit. In fact, less than 40% of those moving to Oregon are 35 and younger and just 20% are in the 18 to 34 age range. But when you couple the ages with the incomes of new Oregon residents, the housing crisis makes a bit more sense.
20.06% <18 to 34
18.73% 35 to 44
13.38% 45 to 54
21.07% 55 to 64
26.75% 65 or older
New Oregonian Incomes
Of those moving into Oregon a huge 79% make 75,000 per year or more, with over 59% of movers to Oregon making over $100,000 per year. Interestingly enough, that leaves just over 20% of those moving to Oregon making somewhere less than $75,000 per year. These numbers reflect a growing income level that is sure to affect the economy in positive ways, yet with the housing costs be driven higher, it will also impact the general cost of living as well.
Where In Oregon Are People Moving?
Though there is not a study available that shows where new residents to the state are settling, we can make some guesses based on the fastest growing cities in Oregon. To be clear, this list is not showing only new movers to the state and where they live, but an overall map of cities in Oregon that are growing most rapidly.
You will notice that the majority of the areas growing fast in Oregon are found in our largest metropolitan area, Portland, with a few smaller areas thrown in as well. Not a big surprise here.
These are the 10 fastest growing cities in Oregon for 2018 according to the most recent census data:
- Happy Valley
- Sandy
- Wilsonville
- Molalla
- The Dalles
- Hillsboro
- Bend
- Oregon City
- Forest Grove
- Redmond
The Downside To Oregon Popularity
Of course with this popularity, Oregon population growth is coming with some significant challenges. Home buyers and renters alike are experiencing the full force of the housing crisis that is impacting the states larger population centers. Supply and demand are critical components of housing costs and the supply is still not keeping up with demand. This supply side housing constraint is manifesting itself with resulting spikes in housing costs across the board. Adding to the boom to our larger cities comes traffic and other associated burdens that contribute additional stresses on our cities.
Don’t Move Here
All of this influx of new residents in Oregon reminded us of former Governor Tom McCall’s message to visitors. In a 1971 speech, McCall was one of the first to say “Come visit, don’t stay”. He said, “I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven’s sake, don’t move here to live.”
It seems this message didn’t and won’t take hold. People are moving to our lovely state whether you like it or not.
Home Buyer and Home Seller Tips
In this kind of market where home prices are increasing at substantial rates and the supply of homes on the market are not pacing with the demand, there are some contradicting suggestions for home buyers and sellers.
Home Buyers: Get rid of your fear of the fixer-upper. To get the best deal in a market where the best homes are getting multiple competing offers, you need to consider looking for the worst house in the best neighborhood and do some renovating to make it what you want.
Home Sellers: Contradicting the home buyer tip, we have found that sellers that make some investment in home updates prior to listing their home fair well with increased sales prices. But not just any updates will do. Be sure to focus on improvements that buyers consider most valuable.
Here are some articles that will help you determine which home renovation projects return the most value.
Top Home Design Trends That Increase Home Value
Remodeling Your Kitchen Adds Home Value